Deconnection, do you still think about it often? The Labor Deal also established the right to deconnection, but do we really know why? In this HR Masterclass, Ralf Caers tells us all we need to know about long-term stress, the biological mechanisms behind long-term stress, deconnection, and the impact on our body and mind.
As professor of HRM at KULeuven, visiting professor of HRM at Ehsal Management School and Université Saint Louis, business manager of Passiemento, columnist in HRMagazine, and author at Larcier-Intersentia and Manteau, he is uniquely placed to teach us all about deconnection
From the start you'll have an overview of all the people working for the company, even freelancers. All their HR data is shown in a visual profile.
The link with your payroll provider keeps all personal and wage information up-to-date. No more cut-and-paste
In addition to employee data, also manage all data from company assets, mobility and training.