Saving time in
HR administration can be better

As an HR manager in an SME, there is always more to do. Time is money when you have to approve leave, process payroll, provide documents, and organize performance reviews. How do you even get around to team building, training,...? Employees have to come to your office for every HR thing, even if they are on the road or on the production floor. There must be a better way to do that, right?

... and how Officient
makes a difference

Everything is centralized, clear and accessible to the right people
Clear calendar for all employees and payroll in a few clicks
Schedule evaluation interviews and follow-up actions such as training

your HR data

Your documents, contracts and policies are often scattered across your Drive, Excel and folders full of paper versions. So finding the right document at the right time is challenging.

Contract templates with automatically populated personal data

Sign contracts and policies digitally*

Find the right contract faster with tags

* optional with itsme®

Creating, sending out and tracking over 50 performance review templates was really taking up too much time. So I started looking for HR software that could help me pick up some speed.
It used to take two people about thirty days to complete a performance review cycle. Now it takes me alone about ten days. A huge difference!

Anabela Coutinho Fonseca
Head of People Experience at Wooclap

your payroll

Running payroll for your SME on time is a monthly challenge. Absences, leave requests and getting the up-to-date information at the right time requires a lot.

Submit all absences in a few clicks*

Personal data always at hand

Making easy adjustments to the calendar for groups

* depending on your social secretariat

Smoother onboardings,
carried by your team

You want to give your new employees a good and fun onboarding, yet the vast majority of it is often getting paperwork in order. Does everything get signed and submitted on time?

Workflows ensure quality onboardings

Automatic reminders for contracts and policies

Engage managers in Workflows by automatically assigning tasks

Successfully track development and evaluations

Scheduling evaluation interviews, having them prepared and then scheduling the appropriate training can take weeks. Additionally, keeping track of it in an orderly fashion is also critical to success.

Employees can request training themselves

Easily track performance cycles

Pay circle shows full payroll cost of employees

Engage your employees
through the Self Service app

Your employees have to come to your office or send you yet another email for every little HR thing. Signing contracts, doctor's note, a change of address, ... There is always more, stopping you from working on other tasks.

Employees upload own vacation and absence certificates

Customize own personal information

Important documents always in your pocket